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Corporate Invovlement

In order to host a successful and engaging retreat, we are seeking corporate partners to sponsor the event, give presentations, and/or participate in networking sessions. The purpose of corporate involvement is to provide students with professional advice, information, and mentorship that they cannot gain from an academic setting.
Corporate Partners
With the help of corporate partners, we can make this retreat a lasting AIChE tradition. Sponsorship is not required to attend the event.
If your company would like to support our event and you do not currently donate to UF AIChE, please complete the sponsorship form. The form contains various sponsorship levels to choose from. A separate participation form for companies interested in attending can be found below.
Corporate Presentations


Last year, the students gained the most from the corporate presentations. These presentations give the students knowledge about potential chemical engineering careers and opportunities. The students requested that companies touch on topics that are universal. 


Some general topics include, but are not limited to: 

  • Advice for Sophomores Seeking Internships

  • Deciding Your Career Path

  • Life as a Professional Engineer: Tasks and Challenges

  • Staying Connected with Corporate Representatives

Networking Session


To allow students the opportunity to practice their professional communication skills, we invite companies to attend a networking session with the students. During this time, representatives will have the chance to briefly meet with the students individually and provide feeback/advice related to their speaking and/or resume. This is aimed to be a more informal atmosphere than Career Showcase. 

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